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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

LOAD Days 20 and 21

Here is Day 20:

 As I browsed through the pages of childhood photos, one thing that stood out to me was the crazy fashions!  Imagine my shock when our prompt for Day 20 was "Fashion Plate" perfect!  I love the short, <2 minute videos that Lain does with each day's prompt.  She gives you several ways to go with the prompt, so even if at first you see them prompt and have the time you listen to the video, you're inspired!

Day 21:  This is My Hometown
This page was fun to to.  I got my "map background" inspiration from someone on the LOAD group...not my original idea.  Then hubs showed me how to capture the image, save it, crop it, covert it to a .jpg, and then I was able to use it as "background paper".  I wanted it to be a bit "faded" so I adjusted the opacity to make it fade out a bit.  Awesome-ness!  The only picture on the layout that is actually mine is the one of my childhood home in the top right corner.  The rest of them were found on Google!  How cool is THAT?

So, I'm still on track...23 layouts done in 21 days right now.  I'm determined to finish it out.  I can't believe there are only 8 days left!  Soon it will be less than a week.  WOW!

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