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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

5 Diet Cokes down....1 to go....

If nothing else, this crazy experiement MAY cure me of my diet coke addiction. I'm totally hyped up on caffiene, burping like a fiend, and have to pee like nobody's business.

But, on the plus side (I think....), my back is burning like hell, so MAYBE the soda is doing something. Asparagus is heated up on the stove and I have smashed it up for a "puree" as per directions. My guess for the "puree" is that it makes for less digestion, and faster delivery to the kidney. Or, maybe not, but that's my guess.

I'm ahead of schedule....wonder if I should drink the last Diet Coke and get to the asparagus earlier.

Did I mention I REALLY have to pee?

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