I saw something similar somewhere in the great internet universe. I wish I could give credit to that site/blog/post, but I really have no clue where I saw this idea first. The problem with seeing ideas is that I often forget before I ever get the time to actually replicate these amazing ideas!
While doing some Christmas shopping I happened to be in the frame section of Wal-Mart and saw these 8 section collage frames. HEY! I remembered there was a project for these. So, I picked one up. This is a standard 8-slot 4x6 photo collage from Wal-Mart. I think it cost all of $5.
Fast forward to last night. I was in the craft room, cutting some snowmen for my daughter’s classroom when the collage frame caught my eye. I was suddenly inspired and knew that my Imagine machine was going to come to the rescue!
I chose the Hopscotch cartridge and used the “stock” 2:3 image, sized at 4. I added 8 of those shapes and filled them with patterns from Hopscotch.
Now I have the backing for each of the 8 holes. I had to trim them a bit to fit and then replaced the frame backing.
Next, fire up the Expression with Designer’s Calendar. I did use the Gypsy to put all of the days as well as “Martin Family” on one mat. I cut this out of vinyl. Now, you may be wondering if there is a reason that I used the E to cut the vinyl instead of my Imagine. Well, yes…I have only cut vinyl with my E, know the settings for perfect results, and it was 11pm, so there was no reason to waste time trying to figure it out on the I! Plus, I could have the vinyl cutting while the Imagine was printing and cutting my backing papers!
I applied the vinyl to the front of the glass. If I make another one of these for a gift, I will reverse the image and apply it to the inside of the glass. Other than that minor detail, I LOVE how this turned out!
When you’re ready to write the week’s activities and appointments, take a dry erase marker, write on the glass, and then wipe clean for next week! How cool is THAT?
This is a perfect spot for our family organizer. This is a little wall as you come inside of the kitchen. The Creative Memories board hangs above it, holding a few photos and other assorted things (gift certificates, coupons, appointment cards, etc.). The family organizer directly beneath works well because each of us pass this spot several times per day. We can take a look to see what is coming up in the week, and it’s within easy reach for anyone that needs to add an event, including our 5-year old.
DH even liked this project! I said I might change the papers out for Valentine’s Day or other holidays. He even suggested putting someone’s photo in the slot when their birthday or other important event was coming up. Maybe he said that since Sunday is Elvis Day and DH’s birthday also!
Hope you enjoyed this project. The Imagine made it so quick and easy. You could get papers from a paper pack, or anywhere in your stash. I love it that I was able to easily print off 8 papers that I know coordinate beautifully with each other. It’s easy to change out for a new look, whether seasonally or for a special occasion.
What a terrific idea! Such a wonderful way to help the family stay organized! Beautiful work!
Thanks, Carolyn! Our entire family is really enjoying it.
Really cute idea, Lori! Good luck to you, too! :o)
Found it and LOVE it! You amaze me yet again.
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